Has studying for the BCBA Exam become #SUPERaversive for you? We get it and, as always, we got you boo. Our goal is to help you #passthedamntest and have tons of fun doing it! So download our app and #joinourclique.
We took our real, relatable, and raw teaching methods that we’ve seen work for thousands of others and made them more accessible and affordable.
Our app includes:
– Over 2500 fluency, application, and scenario questions organized by each task list item (yes, all 163) or randomized for a quick review sesh. We’re obviously determined to help you get this stuff down.
– A personalized test date countdown, reminders, and an individualized study plan based on your upcoming test date so you can spend less time planning and more time learning! Consider us #CheeringYouOn. EVERY. DAMN. DAY. Love ya. Mean it.
– Weekly live study group sessions so you can #talkthisSTUFFout with study buddies from around the world. Because we all know – if you can talk it, you can test it. #BYOB
– Leaderboard competitions, personal weekly stats, and #reinforcement badges to help keep you #motivatedAF.
– Want to know what others did to #passtheDAMNtest? We’ve got you covered! We’ve included our favorite #tips and #strategies for you to utilize while studying. #worksmarternotharder
– A StudyNotesABA doodle feed where you can share your #pretty notes and study using others’!
– Discussion board so others can help you learn the most confusing concepts in #ABA.
– A checklist to help you keep track of your progress in the StudyNotesABA #Collective course.
– A deep breathing tool to help you take meaningful study breaks. #meditatewithPAV
– Super fun games so you can challenge your friends, study at happy hour, or just beat your own PR #personalrecord.
– And much, much more. So try it for FREE before you buy it so you can explore all of it!
So, like, really…what are you waiting for?
Come #sitwithus and #passthedamntest.